What makes someone a hero? Come find out with Gold Coast Christian Church HERO HEADQUARTERS VBS!
Each day at Hero HeadQuarters Kids will participate in the large-group excitement of Hero HQ, experience God’s Word at Amazing Bible Heroes, Create craft projects at Power Projects, enjoy super snacks and learn about real-life kid heroes and play great games at Action Games! Through it all, they’ll learn that with God’s power they can make a difference in the lives of people around them!
The Superheroes at Hero HeadQuarters—Maintenance Mac, Water Woman, and Pizza Man—will help kids learn what it means to be a hero for God. Kids will be introduced to unnamed Bible heroes who were not super or powerful, yet their small acts were used by God to do wonderful things! Kids will be challenged to be heroes who do the unexpected, take action, step out in faith, save the day, and stand for truth.
Your kids won’t want to miss this exciting, challenging, super-fun VBS program! Get them ready to be heroes-in-training today!
All Guests are FREE!
Dates: July 25-29th
Time: 6:15pm-8:30pm
They register children up to the last day of VBS.
Place: Gold Coast Christian Church, 3500 E. Camino Ave. #100 Oxnard(edge of Camarillo) Ages 3yrs - 5th grade
**PreK-Kindergartners will join elementary kids in opening then they will enjoy their VBS in the Preschool area.**
For questions call Gold Coast Church at 485-5433 or email Evelyn at evelyn@goldcoastchurch.org