

Are You Frustrated With Teaching Your Child To Tie Their Shoes? Then You Need a Loopeez

By Sharon Rosenthal, March 25, 2012

A few weeks ago I was offered the opportunity to try out Loopeez, the  Shoe Tying Aid for kids. For years I have had a tough time teaching my now 7 year how to tie her shoe laces and this year my 4 year old daughter will head into Kindergarten, so this seemed like a product I definitely wanted to try out.

According to the company, Loopeez attach to laces and hold the "loops" in place making learning to tie frustration free. Loopeez are the only shoe tying aid to teach directly on the child's own shoe and teach BOTH methods of tying, "bunny ear" and "loop and swoop". Loopeez new bi color laces make shoe tying even easier allowing kids to see the left/right shoelace. Kids love the cool designs and colors and parents love that kids learn to tie in minutes. Makes shoe tying fun!

My kids absolutely loved it. My 4 year got it after one try and loved it so much, she showed me how she did it over and over again. Then came the real test, my 7 year old who has struggled with the whole tying her shoe laces for years. She got it and then did it again and it was easy, effortless and fun.

They are available at the Loopeez Store and prices start at just $4.99 for a pair and comes with matching laces as well.

This is definitely a product that earns this moms seal of approval and luckily for you Loopeez has given me a set of Loopeez to give away to a lucky Macaroni Kid Camarillo-Oxnard-Ventura family.

To enter you must LIKE Loopeez on Facebook and LIKE Loopeez on Twitter.

Then fill out this FORM and you are entered.

I will pick a winner on Sunday April 1st at 8am.

For more information on Loopeez go to

Loopeez is also participating in Walmarts' Get on the Shelf Contest. If you think this is a great product go to and vote for them before April 3rd, 2012.

Disclaimer: Loopeez provided me with a complimentary sample for the purposes of this review and a pair of Loopeez  to give away to a Macaroni Kid Camarillo-Oxnard-Ventura family. The opinion in this article is 100% my own and I was not compensated in any way.