CRA-Z-ART's LITE BRIX is a new toy line that your kids will love as they build these exciting building sets that combine traditional brick building construction with the magic of light up bricks and connectors, allowing kids to "build with lights." These building sets are recommended for kids age 6+.
We received the Cra-Z-Art Lite Brix Building System - Laser Copter, for my kids to test out and I cannot tell you how excited my 5 year old and 7 year old were to get started. There are many other sets with other construction sets that you can build and each set comes with a battery power pack that attaches to the models. In addition, according to the company LITE BRIX are compatible with all other brick building systems on the market, which creates endless possibilities for creative play.

We received the Cra-Z-Art Lite Brix Building System - Laser Copter, for my kids to test out and I cannot tell you how excited my 5 year old and 7 year old were to get started. There are many other sets with other construction sets that you can build and each set comes with a battery power pack that attaches to the models. In addition, according to the company LITE BRIX are compatible with all other brick building systems on the market, which creates endless possibilities for creative play.

When I heard about this product, I though, WOW! things you can build, that light up, what kid wouldn't love that. So we were very excited to give it a try. My five year old and I started with the “Cra-Z-Art Lite Brix Building System - Laser Copter” Some of the pieces were a little hard for her to put together but with a little help from dad and her big sister we got it together relatively quickly. Then we added the battery pack to light it up and it was really cool. We liked it so much we never even tried the alternate configuration of a Patrol Sled.

We haven’t yet tried to mix and match the sets since my daughter loves he helicopter, however the parts are easily interchangeable. I would recommend Lite Brix as they are fun to build and look cool once lit up, I highly recommend the Lazer Copter.
To buy some LITE BRIX or your kids go to