CSU Channel Islands(CI) invites children, families, teachers and community members to the Ninth Annual Children's Reading Celebration and the 37th Annual Young Authors' Fair on Saturday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the John Spoor Broome Library.
The annual event coordinated by the John Spoor Broome Library brings together a celebrated children’s author with Ventura County children and their families for stories, crafts, creative writing, the Young Author’s Fair, reader’s theater, and other fun activities that celebrate reading and writing.
The program is sponsored by the John Spoor Broome Library, Ventura County Reading Association (VCRA), Target Foundation, the CI English Program, CI Mortar Board, and the Ventura County Office of Education.
The program is sponsored by the John Spoor Broome Library, Ventura County Reading Association (VCRA), Target Foundation, the CI English Program, CI Mortar Board, and the Ventura County Office of Education.
Headlining this year’s event is Wade Bradford, author of the critically acclaimed picture book, “Why Do I Have to Make My Bed? Or, A History of Messy Rooms,” published in 2011 by Tricycle Press/Random House. In a starred review, “Publishers Weekly” said of the book: “This book deserves a place on the shelves next to the Magic School Bus series."
Children and their families will be able to meet the author and receive a free autographed book, while supplies last (one per family). This gift is funded by an early childhood literacy grant from the Target Foundation.
Hundreds of books written and illustrated by K-12 students throughout Ventura County will be on display and available for children to read. Any child whose school participates in the Ventura County Reading Association’s Young Authors’ Fair is eligible to write a book and have his or her teacher enter it to be displayed and read at the Reading Celebration.
The day will also feature hands-on participation in crafts and other activities. Children will be able to listen to stories and create watercolor bookmarks with CI students enrolled in Claudia Reder’s English 212 course, Introduction to Children’s Literature. A craft area, creative writing station, and open-mic session where children can share their own stories will be hosted by students in CI’s Mortar Board National Honor Society Four Pillars chapter.
New this year, children in grades 4 and up will be able to bring stories to life before an audience in “Reader’s Theater.” This live performance event is developed and hosted by CI students in Mary Adler’s English 477 course, Adolescent Literature.
All children must be accompanied by an adult. Public admission and parking are free. Once on campus, follow the directional signs to the designated parking lot.
For more event details and to RSVP, visit http://go.csuci.edu/children
For additional information about VCRA’s Young Authors’ Fair, visit vcrareading.org
Learn more about featured author Wade Bradford at http://www.wadebradford.com.
For additional information about VCRA’s Young Authors’ Fair, visit vcrareading.org
Learn more about featured author Wade Bradford at http://www.wadebradford.com.