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St. Patrick's Day Craft

By Jamie Schlechter March 13, 2016
Materials Needed
  • Styrofoam Plate
  • Orange Paint, Marker or Crayon
  • Green, Yellow and Black Construction Paper
  • Orange Yarn
  • Toothpick or Needle
  • Glue or Glue Stick
  • Wooden Craft Stick
  • Scissors
  • Tape

1. Paint or color the foam plate with orange, almost all the way around. Let dry.

2. Cut a hat out of green paper. I traced the plate for the top and left it straight on the bottom. Then cut a strip out of yellow or black for the hat band. Cut a square from the other color slightly bigger in height than the band. Fold the square in half and cut a smaller square out of middle, the outside piece is your buckle.

3. Glue the strip and buckle together, then glue them to the green hat.

4. Cut the yarn into 6-inch pieces, I made 14 of them. Then poke holes in the plate with a toothpick. Guide the yarn in with the needle or a toothpick, pull through enough to tie at other side. Turn the plate over and tie each piece of yarn in a knot so it won't pull through.

5. Cut a circle out of middle of the plate. This is a good job for a parent because you need to use a sharp scissors for a clean cut. If the edges get rough, use tape to smooth them over.

6. Glue or tape the hat onto the plate. Then attach a craft stick to the bottom so the child can hold the mask.

Now you have a Leprechaun Mask! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!