Have you bought your Girl Scout Cookies yet, or maybe you want to support the Girl Scouts but don't want the cookies for yourself. If that is the case, check out this great donation program the Girl Scout's in Camarillo run.
Starting this week you will start seeing cookie booths all over town until mid-March. The Girl Scouts in Camarillo are busy selling cookies at booths and taking donations of cookie boxes for kids at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA).
According to Lori and Karina Riis-Vestergaard, 7 years ago they went with their Girl Scout troop to the Children’s Hospital to deliver the 75 donated boxes of Girl Scout cookies that they had collected for them. We collected boxes as a special project that year, and it was so successful that it became a tradition for their troop. Two years ago, it was Karina's Silver Award project, and they invited all of the Camarillo Girl Scout troops to participate and it has been so succesful that they have continued this program.
We discovered that many people in Camarillo have a personal connection to someone who is, or has been, a patient at CHLA. Even though it is 50 miles away, it is the Children specialty hospital that serves our area. And because of such generous support from the community, as of 2011, the cookies donated have grown to over 2,100 boxes!
This year the girls would like to ask everyone in Camarillo to join them again in donating a box or two of Girl Scout Cookies to the kids at CHLA. If you cannot find a cookie booth in Camarillo and would like to donate cookies to CHLA, you may contact them at Cookies4Kids@dirtdeals.com .
In addition during the upcoming Cookie booth sales, many of the troops will ask for customers to donate cookies to CHLA. They will usually have a decorated box to put the cookies in. Karina works with the troops that want to participate on decorating boxes, gives the girls tips on how to ask for donations, and gives updates at the monthly Leaders meeting, etc.
Booth sales in the Camarillo area started February 24th and continue through mid March.
In addition Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast is partnering with Operation Gratitude to provide boxes of cookies to the troops. Ask your local Girl Scout representative how you can purchase cookies to donate to the Troops-to-Troops program.
To learn more about the Girl Scout Cookie Program, or to order cookies, call: 800-822-2427, or visit: www.girlscoutsccc.org.