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Our Review of the New Book, FREE Events Celebrating the New Character and a Video Contest for Girls

By Sharon Rosenthal, www.camarillo.macaronikid.com September 3, 2012
This September American Girl’s newest historical character, Caroline Abbott, shows girls today how to stay steady and believe in themselves during difficult times. To celebrate the new character, the American Girl store in L.A. is hosting some fun, free events and there is a Video Contest for young girls to enter.

In the book, "Meet Caroline",  we meet  Caroline Abbott, an independent and adventurous nine-year-old girl whose story is set near Lake Ontario during the War of 1812. In the story, she really learns to face some very big challenges and she succeeds by following her heart. She encourages kids to help and imparts the message of going above and beyond to help those around her. One message I got from this story was that we all have the power to be heroes in our daily life by facing our fears and the challenges in our life, big or small.

In this first book, where we first meet Caroline, she is doing what she loves most—sailing on Lake Ontario with father —when her world turns upside down. A British officer boards their sloop, announces that Britain and America are at war, and takes her father prisoner. The story was so well written that we (my daughter and I) could really feel her fear of the unknown.

As her father (or Papa as she calls him in the book) is led away, Caroline promises him that she will stay strong until he returns. She tries hard to keep her promise by helping her mother (called Mama in the story) run the family’s shipyard until the British attack her village and it looks as if the American side is in trouble but Caroline and her family and friends save the day and beat the British. To find out how you will have to get the book for your child. 

The book, "Meet: Caroline", available in stores on September 4th is a very exciting stor with lots of excitement for girls.  I really liked  that in the front of the book, they show you all the American Girl Historical Dolls, with their names, a picture, a description and the year the books featured them. It's really nice to visit old friends and see where they figure into American History.

Then before the story even begins, there is a section about Caroline's friends and family. It includes a picture in a cameo, with their name and a description of who they are to Caroline and her family. 

The illustrations in the book are stunning and really made us feel like we were on an adventure with Caroline. In addition the looks portrayed on Caroline's face in the illustrations are wonderful. For instance one of the illustrations showed Caroline telling a British Soldier, "I don't need your help!" and the look of her face really showed her fear and horror.

Another feature of this book that I really enjoyed reading with my daughter aside from the story was a section called "Looking Back at America in 1812". This section describes the area the story takes place with pictures of real history and antiques from the period and talks a little about the real historical facts happening in America in 1812.

Meet Caroline is one of six new historical books written by author and social historian Kathleen Ernst and illustrated by Robert Papp. The book series includes Meet Caroline, Caroline’s Secret Message, A Surprise for Caroline, Caroline Takes a Chance, Caroline’s Battle, and Changes for Caroline; Plus kids who fall in love with Caroline can buy a Caroline doll at American Girl.

For schools and book clubs, a free downloadable Learning Guide, exploring themes and issues from Caroline’s stories, is also available at  www.americangirl.com.

Girls can also discover more about the new character at American Girl retail stores through free Caroline-related launch events (September 4, 8, and 9), which include giveaways, crafts, and and in-store patriotic sing-along. These event are  free and open to the public and intended for girls 8+.

Caroline - New Historical Character Debut Event at The Grove in L.A.
  • September 4: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • September 8: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • September 9: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Caroline - New Historical Character Crafts
  • September 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • October 14: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Your girl can have fun making crafts inspired by the stories of American Girl’s newest historical character!
For a full list of American Girl events go to http://www.americangirl.com/stores/events_index.php

To celebrate the bravery and kindness of girls today, American Girl is also launching their "Share the Hero in You" video contest. Starting September 4 through October 31, 2012, girls are invited to create and submit a video clip (up to 60 seconds) about a time when they felt like an everyday hero.

The video can be shared online at americangirl.com/playcaroline

Six video finalists will be selected by American Girl based on creativity, originality, visual appeal, and best use of the heroism theme.

Then, starting November 5, American Girl fans can vote online for their favorite video finalist. The grand-prize winner will receive a trip for four to Washington D.C. to visit the American Girl store; a VIP tour at the Smithsonian to learn more about Caroline’s era; and a Caroline doll, accessories, and six-book set.

Visit  americangirl.com/playcaroline  for complete details.

Disclaimer: American Girl sent me a complimentary copy of "Meet Caroline" for review purposes.